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Saturday, May 23, 2009

Costumes and Practice, Practice, Practice

Students should be humming "oldies" tunes as they hang around the house this weekend. I've even learned a few new ones. Letters went home on Friday with important info about our upcoming presentation.
1. Students need to get costumes together. Every effort has been made to keep this low cost and
easy to find.
2. The letter needs to be signed and returned on Tues.
3. Students have after school practice on Tues. from 3:15 until 4:30 in the multipurpose room. Please pick them up there promptly at 4:30. When you sign the letter you are acknowledging that they have permission to stay after school. IF your child lost the letter-please send in note giving them permission to stay after school on May 26.
4. The Fine Arts teachers are preparing a spaghetti dinner for Thursday evening. Orders are due on Tuesday. The cost is $5.00 a plate. If you have lost the order form and want your child or family to enjoy this culinary delight, please send in money and we will fill out a form for you in class on Tuesday.
5. Plan to come early on Thursday if you want a seat ! This has been SRO every year.
6. DVD's will be available for purchase--I can't remember if it is $5 or $6.
7. We will collect donations on Thurday evening--this will be used to fund the 5th Grade Picnic being held after the Awards Ceremony on June 3.
8. Reread. This is a lot of important information.

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