Welcome to Mandarin High!!

Howdy! Glad to See You Today!

Friday, December 30, 2011

A Great Holiday :)

Hello! I hope you have all enjoyed your holiday break spending time with your family and friends! I know that I have really enjoyed my time off. It is the first year that I have actually stayed right here in town and just literally "Hung OUT!!!"
Last night Wolfson won the Baker County CHRISTMAS Tournament! That was 12 games of basketball in 3 days with 8 teams! I was so proud of Wolfson!!! They have such an awesome basketball team this year!!
With all the fun that has been had, it is time to start thinking about the new year and all the promise that it holds. We will be getting to work Day 1 because we have many days off in January and February.
For 4th graders- you will start really working on your writing. Your FCAT writes test will be February 28th this year- what a sweet birthday gift for your teacher HA!
Then, we have the BIG FCAT test in April. We still have SOOOOOO very much to cover to get you ready for that. So- day 1 we are starting with the motto "Get to work!"
We have a few changes in classroom management, but I think you will see how much more productive you are going to be!
See you in a few (4) short days!!!

Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Happy Holidays~

Well, we will finish with day 78 of school on 12/16/2011. It doesn't seem possible!

We are working hard in the classroom, and we need to make sure students are working just as hard at home. This year is billed as a "year of remediation" for students. That remediation will only be successful if students are working at home as well. The District has designed Compass Odyssey to assist struggling students at home. Each student has been assigned a learning path, and should be working on this nightly. If there is no computer access available, students should be working in their Math or Reading books. The "catch-up" that we are all looking for will NOT occur if students are only exposed to academics in class.

The holiday break is a great time to reinforce basic math and reading skills. I hope you will take advantage of this wonderful learning opportunity!

Happy Holidays!