Welcome to Mandarin High!!

Howdy! Glad to See You Today!

Thursday, November 19, 2015

House on Mango Street

Make sure you pick-up your copy of The House on Mango Street. You may purchase your own copy, or check out a copy from the library.

Speech: Make sure you are working as a group on your speech. Parts should be divided, and individuals should be searching for articles.

English: Achieve Articles are a MUST! It is a requirement that you complete 4 a month at 80% or better.

Tuesday, April 7, 2015

Weekly Happenings 4/6

Hi Parents! In Room 111 we are anxiously counting down these last 42 days until 2nd grade!! We have a lot to cover and we are working hard to make sure that we get there. But we need YOUR HELP!!!
Nightly reading must occur every night. We are finishing up our last 400 in the FRY words so please make sure you are reviewing the list of words that were sent home with your students that included words 1-400. In second grade they will start the year with list 500.
Math fluency facts continue to haunt us. Students should not have to use their fingers at this point in the year. They should know that 8+9=17. As we move into regrouping it is crucial that they can "know" these facts in their head as we move into higher math strategies.

* Zoo field trip forms are due Friday. Please make sure you get those in. I have only received 3 forms!!

* Field Days and Cultural Arts will be Thursday and Friday. Please make sure your child wears tennis shoes and dresses for "outside play."

Have a great week!
Mrs. Rowan

Monday, March 30, 2015

Field Trip

We are going to the Zoo, Thursday, April 23. Permission slips are coming home today. We would like to have 7 adult chaperones attend. If you have not already completed the survey for volunteering, please go on line to:  http://www.duvalschools.org/site/default.aspx?PageID=1

Students are out of school Thursday and Friday this week. When they return on Monday we will have started the 4th 9 weeks. Please pay close attention to papers coming home. Academic conferences will start the week of April 13th.

Enjoy our Spring Holiday!
Mrs. Rowan

Wednesday, March 25, 2015

Wednesday, March 25th

Today is an Early Release! 

We have started skip counting in Math. We are going way beyond number 20!! Please make sure you are practicing number recognition to 120 with your students. They should be able to identify all numbers up to 120 :)

Fluency is addition and subtraction helps greatly as we start working with 10's. Students should know all their facts (addition and subtraction) to 20. Flash cards, or even calling out random problems are great ways to help your student achieve.

Reading is very important too!! Make sure you are reading at night with your students! We are 1/2 way through Fry's 400 word list. I sent home copies of 1-400 for additional practice at home.

Academic conferences will begin in April :) Please try to make these very important conferences!!!

Mrs. Rowan

Tuesday, March 10, 2015

Happy Tuesday!

March 9, 2015

Hi Parents,

We are moving along and singing our song!

·       Wednesday is an Early Release Day
·       There is a portion of Math HW that will need to be signed by you. There is an instruction piece on the front that explains our work with this standard. On Friday your student will take a Mastery Test of this standard to determine if they have met the requirement of the standard. Please make sure you are discussing these papers with your student, signing and returning the next school day.  J
·       A similar set of papers will be coming home weekly for ELA after the break. The best way to help your student in Reading is to support them with their nightly reading. At this point in the year, your students should be reading Chapter Books. If they are still only reading the D, E, and F books they will struggle with vocabulary in reading assignments. There are so many books at the Public Library to move your student along. The Children’s Librarian at the Kori Road library is FANTASTIC!!!
·       PTA Spring Pictures will take place Thursday. For $5.00 students can have their picture made with the Easter Bunny or a Spring background.
·       Enjoy your Spring Break!! Rest, relax and Enjoy!!!
·       When we return from Spring Break we will have 54 days of school left. This is an important time as we demonstrate our mastery of First Grade Standards for promotion. We will communicate individually about where your student is falling within the requirements. If you have questions about what is expected of your student, please visit here:
Take a look at First Grade and you will see the level of performance your child is expected to perform at independently. The new Common Core curriculum is tough, but we have been working hard all year.

Parental Involvement is KEY in your student’s success! The National Education Association (NEA) states that:
“regardless of family income or background, students with involved parents are more likely to:
  • Earn higher grades and test scores, and enroll in higher-level programs
  • Be promoted, pass their classes, and earn credits
  • Attend school regularly
  • Have better social skills, show improved behavior, and adapt well to school
  • Graduate and go on to postsecondary education (see A New Wave of Evidence, Southwest Educational Development Laboratory, 2002 - in references below).

Remember we are a TEAM when educating your student!! (Together Everyone Achieves More)

“You have brains in your head. You have feet in your shoes. You can steer yourself any direction you choose.”
Dr. Seuss

Monday, March 2, 2015

Homework Week of March 2, 2015

Homework Week of March 2, 2015

Students should access I-Ready Reading and Math at home as much as possible.

Monday –
Phonics- Practice your words with an adult. Practice saying rhyming words and reading word phrases.
Math- Jumping Word Problems pages 26&27
Reading- Summarize Chapters 1-4 in your chapter book.
Science- Why is water important to us? Where does it come from?

Phonics – Practice writing your words on the paper provided. Be sure that your words are touching the appropriate lines. Write your Fry Phrases.
Math – Addition Problems, What is Missing, What is the Sum (Pages 11, 12, 13)
Reading – Give a description of your main character. Make sure you use words that are describing who your character is.
Science – What are some uses of water? Do you know where the water in Jacksonville used for drinking comes from?

Wednesday –
Phonics – Write 2 words for each word family of your Spelling word. Use the paper provided.
Math – Story Problems With Missing Parts Pages 15 A/B
Reading – Draw the setting of your story. Write 3 sentences about what is going on in your story.
Science – Why is it important not to waste water?

Thursday –
Phonics – Take a practice test.
Math – Practice Math Facts 0-20 Addition and Subtraction for Fluency Test
Reading – Bring your Chapter Book to school for a quiz.
Science – How do living things use water? Would we be able to live without water?

Weekly Spelling Long Vowel Sounds vcv
1.   lace
2.   race
3.   lake
4.   Jake
5.   tape
6.   cape
7.   base
8.   case
9.   lime
10.                 time

Weekly Fry Words
1.    better
2.   best
3.   however
4.   low
5.   hours
6.   black

Weekly Fry Phrases
1.   I feel better.
2.   The best body
3.   However you like it
4.   I’m low on money
5.   Twenty-four hours a day
6.    Black and blue

Wednesday, February 25, 2015

Progress Reports

Hi Parents!

Progress Reports went home yesterday in Green Tuesday Folders. Please return by Friday 2/27.

We are still struggling with fluency with addition and subtraction to 20! Please keep practicing those facts at home.

Chapter Books are where are Reading homework is coming from this week! Please make sure your child is reading their book. We will have a few activities in school with their book as well.

Have a great week!

Monday, February 9, 2015

Happy Rainy Monday!

The days are flying by! We are working hard every minute!! A few things for this week.

* Homework is stapled in the planner. The words for the week are on a second page stapled in... no copier!
*Please continue practicing with money. Students will need to be able to identify a penny, nickel, and dime for our quiz Friday. They will also need to be able to add various amounts together.
* We also need to practice counting up and counting down from different numbers (1-120). Having them go 12-15 ahead or down is great!

* Reading - Hopefully everyone is reading chapter books by now. This will really help us with story elements.

* Science - We are tracking patterns in the nighttime sky.

* Technology - Now is a great time to allow your students time to work on I-Ready. Please let me know if you need log-in information.

Here are a few FREE learning websites for learning:
Switcheroo Zoo - www.switcheroozoo.co
Fun Brain - www.funbrain.com
Nat Geo for Kids - www.kids.nationalgeographic.com
PBS Kids - www.pbskids.org

** Valentines Social - Friday at 1:15 :)

Monday, February 2, 2015

100th Day of School and Groundhog Day!!!

Happy 100th Day of School! Today we thought about ways to make 100. We also talked about the 100th day and the fact that we only have 80 days of school left. That just doesn't seem right!!!

We also talked about Groundhog Day today. Can you believe he saw his shadow?! That means 6 more weeks of cold.

We will have a small Valentine's Social on 2/13. Please make sure everyone has a Valentine!

We will have Valentines and Sweet Treats!