We finally finished all that Benchmark testing today! Thank goodness! We know you did a great job, we could see you working hard. We will work Monday to get back into groups so we can have some room to move around! The next standardized testing we will take will be in March when we Stomp the FCAT! In the meantime you can check out FCAT Explorer and Destination success and work through some of those problems. Remember, it is NOT about getting finished first, but working hard to solve the problems you attempt correctly!
Next week is going to be CRAZY- We are just preparing you now! We will cut that sugarcane up Monday- We will also take the selection test on James Forten that day-
Tuesday- We will start Holidays Around the World. Make sure you let us know if you have a craft or need help with food (plates, cups, etc.)
Wednesday - Gingerbread Houses. For this I suggest eating bread for breakfast to absorb and offset ALL the candy you will eat that morning! My favorite Twizlers, and grahm crackers with frosting! Remember..... pace yourself! I know you are also excited about the hot chocolate, cookies, and the movie.... the GREAT movie... THE SOUND OF MUSIC.... Mrs. Rowan and Mrs. Yadon may even have a sing-a-long for you guys! (Hold your applause!)
Thursday - Chorus concerts - I think there will be three shows again, so we will split up for awhile, and then be back together after the last performance.
Friday - We will finish Holidays Around the World, make some crafts, have a pizza lunch, and work on some algebra (Yes, we will do some work this week!)
We know you are (SUPER) excited about the week! We are too, but be mindful of rules, listening to the adults on campus and being your all around great selves!
--- The Jacksonville Landing is packed with activities ALL day tomorrow (Sat.) if you are looking for something FREE and FUN to do. The Mayor is also having his reading party downtown so check that out if you get a chance!
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