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Wednesday, December 10, 2008

A Star is Born......

Don't you know every great actor plays football after a successful performance! Daniel and Olivia had the two large speaking parts in our Christmas program this year- The Christmas County Spelling Bee - They were both great and I was happy to see Daniel take a lead role this year!

It is so cool when Science works! We think we might have actually planted nine seeds instead of 8, because today 8 had sprouted, and we are thinking there is still one in the middle...... Stay tuned~

Observe the height on our radish plants! They are really sprouting up, and with our magnifying glass you can peer at the root system as well. It seems the roots are going deep into the gravel and sand. It will be neat to add life after the winter break.

Don't forget to send us your holiday pictures for the BLOG!!!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Those pics uv mee r so imbareissing!!!!!!! Y did u hav 2 take pics!?!?!?!?!?!?