my oh my what a
WONDERFUL test day! Welcoming Back Friends for another Day!
We have had great fun making signs for our students!

Yes.. this may be the reason your student is not eating when they come home from school! Thanks to PTA and the wonderful room parents for sending us in these yummy treats. They have really allowed us to socialize for about 45 minutes before we get down to the test!

Crystal is enjoying her breakfast... that is Mario hiding behind her!

Diaje' was all smiles this morning!

Dante was excited to see bananas and oranges!

Mario again attempts to "hide" from the camera!

Cinnamon and Alexandria sharing breakfast, good conversation, and great friendship!

Misty was ready for the test!

Stewie was more than happy to eat a few bananas!

Boris was busy learning how to draw and eating his breakfast!

Lakia came just in time to eat some pop tarts!

Zelma and Brittney share a little laugh before the big day!

Yeah... the test is finally over! Let the eating fest continue! We had gold fish, lemon fish, oranges, caprisuns, cereal bars, so much stuff to eat!!!

Dante's winning smile!

That reading test was a breeze for Eduardo because he is such a SUPER reader anyways!

Daniel was "right-on" with all the festivities!

Emily "Rocked the FCAT"! She is all smiles because she knows that a Level 5 is in her future!

Maddie and Jasmine were busy working on their poetry.

Poetry you say???? Yes, poetry. We are all trying to enter a poetry contest on March 16th. This is the same contest are students entered last year and we actually had about six or seven kids published. Today students brought home the paperwork to be completed so we can mail their entries on Monday.
Friday will be the day NOT to miss! We are going to have Science Olympics and conduct some really great experiments (We even have rubber gloves!) We also have great snacks!
Monday and Tuesday will be our last day of testing! Yippee!
Don't forget to bring in your $3.00 for McDonalds on the 26th--- and remember in honor of Mrs. Yadon's birthday there will be NO school on the 27th!
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