Here is our "Holla" in the next two pictures! We were so excited to be D-O-N-E, Finished, Complete!
Not because we were not superior test takers, full of confidence and right answers! Not to mention full of great breakfast foods every morning.......
But really.... we want our old space back! To be able to be by our friends and "Let the Sunshine IN!"
We got right to work too! There is only 10 weeks left of school (and three of those are 4 day weeks, not to mention all the early release days yet to come!)
Here we are getting ready to go to lunch..... Hey what's with all that green you ask?
And this green?

Well Room 138 fully supported St. Patrick's Day! Hats, shirts, shoes, pants... you name it, it could be found in Room 138!
We totally surpassed the standard for "dressing GREEN!"
So, we are busy working to finish many projects before Spring Break arrives (next Friday!)
We have to finish - our poetry notebooks and our inventor reports!
Well Room 138 fully supported St. Patrick's Day! Hats, shirts, shoes, pants... you name it, it could be found in Room 138!
The next big news to come is.......
............................... Science Fair!
We will start this process after Spring Break. We will discuss the difference between a demonstration and an actual Science Fair Project. We are looking for Projects. All year we have been working with the Scientific Process, so students should be very comfortable with this process. We will start our own classroom project when we return from Spring Break, however, students will be responsible for their own projects.
Cookie Dough is delivered Thursday! See you in the Media Center.....
1 comment:
Hey from Macon, Ga!! I adore your Website!! Great job Guys & Gals, from Mrs. Christy A. Toland (aka:CAT/Mimi) FYI: Im Angel Toland's Grandma. :D
It's nice to see pics of what's goin on while I live so very far from the one I Love!!
Thanks for all you Teachers do!!
Mrs. James M. Toland
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