We must say, we sure know how to prepare to test in Room 138! In fact, we understand that we will take important tests for the rest of our lives! More FCATS, SAT's. ACT's, College Entrance Exams, Driver Tests, Certification Tests, Bar Exams, Medical Exams.... you name it... our students will be ready to take it! I mean let's face it, most jobs require some sort of testing- Given the fact that we have had daily instruction all year, our kids were confident and not stressed one BIT! Today, they even expressed there excitement about the Science FCAT! We can't wait to see the results! We know they ROCKED this test!

And oh my, you don't say.... breakfast again in the classroom! What a great treat this has become. We will surely miss coming to class Wednesday with NO breakfast! But don't worry we still will have plenty of snacks!

Emily looks confident as she readies for testing! She has worked hard to score high!

Lakia was all smiles in her new duds! She is sure she rocked the Science portion of the FCAT!
We have a lot going on these next 8 days! Please remember to send in your $3.00 for McDonalds and your $40.00 for the end of the year trip.
Have a great week!
Also... save the date for OUR FREE school CARNIVAL --- Friday night, April 24th! All you will need to buy is your chicken dinner. We will have all kinds of great activities, bounce house, police cars, fire trucks, games, and obstacle courses just to name a few! It will be after school from 4-8!
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