Be sure to bring a bag lunch and a drink!
A few pictures from Wednesday and Thursday-
******* Pictures from Thursday *********
Today was a great glue and scissor day in Room 138. We had them out two separate times today!
A big thanks to Mrs. Plish for letting us borrow her fancy-smancy scissors!
Dalton is busy making his Valentine bag! He even cut out his own hearts.
Eduardo rocks on cutting out hearts!
The girls are busy working.,... what did they do with Calvin?
Seven is working on his MAD scissor skills---
Brittany and Tyree are having a contest.... Who can make the fastest heart!
Everyone in Room 138 Spread a little love today!
Crayons, Markers, Glue Sticks, Scissors..... We made great use of classroom supplies today!
Allison was all smiles over her bag!
A big thanks to Mrs. Plish for letting us borrow her fancy-smancy scissors!
These next few pictures show us working to create our energy books! Wait until these are done.. You will be impressed by our "Simple Machine Knowledge"

We are rocking and rolling in Room 138 getting ready for the big test! The next three weeks we will really practice our test taking skills. The reading test this year is all multiple choice and we are learning how to think like test makers in order to be great test takers!
If you have any time in the next three weeks and you would like to volunteer some tutoring services we would love to have you in our room! We can use you anytime.
Will end with Nahjani's says it all... how much fun we have learning EVERYDAY in Room 138.
If you have any time in the next three weeks and you would like to volunteer some tutoring services we would love to have you in our room! We can use you anytime.
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