Working in groups to REWORK leveled readers! We can never be sure that we have added enough details. Using our own work, we are able to work together to create a strong and concise answer using details and supporting statements from the story.

Tony, Mario, Brittney, and Misty present their Island to us!

Dalton, Calvin, Diaje', and Alexandria present their island project.

Seven, Allison, Eduardo, and Jasmine share what they thought would make a great place to live!

All in all we did a great job with our Social Studies project. Students really used what they learned about rules, rights, and privileges. It was neat to see what each group thought was important to their island, how you could gain access to the island, and what laws you would need to follow! We have posted all their hard work on our classroom bulletin boards. Stop in and view their great work!

Jordan is looking to see how that sharpener works!

We are listening to our story of the week on tape. Students get to hear it read to them before they start the deep diving of assessed skills!

Still listening!

Dalton is enjoying the story!

Today we stretched our minds! We actually did some word problems in isolation. It was quite a stretch for us in Math. Usually we are grouped and very loud!

The silence was almost scary!!!

Great minds think ALIKE!
Monday your students will bring home two permission slips. One will be for the Marine Science Center (March 6), and the other for Wild Adventures (June 4th) our end of the year trip.
The Marine Science Center is FREE! We will have our kick-off to FCAT celebration lunch there! Pizza, chips, drinks, and cupcakes. If anyone would like to send in drinks or cupcakes let me know. As always chaperones are always welcome! There is no cost for chaperones on this trip.
The end-of-year trip will cost $40.00. (Plus food and snacks the day of the trip). We will travel to Valdosta on charter busses. We are lucky to have Mr. George again as our driver! He has driven us for the last 3 years on our end-of-the year trip. We like to have as many parents as possible come- the more the merrier! You are welcome to ride the bus up with us and your cost would be $40.00. If you drive, chaperone tickets are $20.00- We will leave the park at 5:00. The day we are there, the park will close at 8:00. So, if you want to stay for an additional 3 hours, you can!
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