Well, it was so cold that when I came home from dance Wednesday night, I tossed my ice in the yard from my water bottle, and low and behold, when I went to get in my car this morning
IT WAS STILL THERE!! I had to chuckle! It really was cold!
Then, I looked over at my neighbors founain, and it had ice on it, with a little trickle of water still running!

These next two pictures of our Reading Celebration movie "Shredderman" on Wednesday. We are pleased to report that ALL students in Room 138 got to stay and watch the movie. Thanks to Mrs. Parker for our snack (popcorn, pretzels, and water) and Jordan (carrots!)

During the movie we also practiced our tornado drill! We did the duck and cover, and it went pretty fast!

We have really been busy working on our Reading Strategies. These strategies help us refine our abilities to answer multiple choice questions using the search and find strategy. Most all the tests we take in Room 138 are
open book for that very reason! We have seen a lot of students increasing their percentage correct simply by looking back!

Alexandria is focused and working - showing us her AWESOME skills!

Maddie, Mario, and Tyree are also busy working.

Emily is deep in thought remembering what she read!

Well.... I want to give a shout out to Najee' one of our students from last year. (And... a PUBLISHED POET !!) We miss you Najee' but your little sister is in Briley's class this year, so at least we get to see her! And I saw your wonderful mom a few weeks ago. I know you are doing the RIGHT thing in middle school!
We are very busy getting ready for the big test! We will continue to review good testing strategies. Our students have come so far this year, now we just need to make sure they have the confidence to "Stomp the FCAT!". At home you can help by practicing FCAT Explorer with them, let them explain their thought process to you. You can also read with them, review science concepts out of the science book, or review FCAT vocabulary. Half the battle in taking big tests is understanding the format!
Next week we will celebrate Valentines Day after our field trip to UNF. A list of student names will come home next Monday. Please be sure that if you bring in a Valentine that you have one for everybody! We will have some special sweet treats as well!
Dress warm, it is supposed to be another cold one tomorrow!
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