I was so surprised to see Javaughn this morning! I was even more surprised when he said.. I came to see my two favorite teachers EVER... mind you he did not say his two favorite 5th grade teachers, but his two favorite teachers EVER!!! That makes what we do all worth it! To know that you can impact kids for years to come! And when they come back and our fond of what we did as a class- MAN THAT IS WHY WE LOVE THIS JOB!!!!
We had library orientation today- so we get to check out books!
Can you tell how happy we are!
Look at that smile... it conveys all our emotions about how we feel about books in Room 138
We are a class that loves BOOKS!!!
Wiam picked a book Mrs. Rowan has never ever heard of... hmmm there must be TONS of books to select from our school library!
Erisa selected a book I have read, and a book I have not read... which one have I read?
Becky will be practicing her origami skills! Can't wait to see what she will make.
* Today our school newsletter came home. Make sure you read through- 5th graders have lots of exciting opportunities coming up.
* Book Fair Read and Feed slips came home today. You must PREORDER your dinner if you would like to eat before previewing the Book Fair. This year we are doing pizza ($2.00 a slice) salad ($3.00) and drinks ($1.00). As always the PTA will transform the cafeteria into an Italian Cafe, and great fun will be had by all!
* Today we put our Reading Folders together. You have some papers to sign and look over with your student. If you have not already bought your supplies, make sure they come in as soon as possible. Paper is going to start piling up now that we are working hard, and organization will be almost impossible to keep.
* Mark your calenders NOW - Open House NEXT TUESDAY AT 6:30.
Have a great evening! See you in the am!
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