What a day we had Friday! We were so busy that we actually ran out of time. We were working right up the the dismissal call. Have no idea how that happened.

We were all smiles for the laptops.

It was a quiet but busy day.

Group work is working great.

There is something very empowering about a laptop and 5th graders! It makes them work NON-STOP- no snacks, no bathrooms, no walking around. It amazes us with each group! We certainly live in a technology driven society.

The students have the opportunity to work on an application called Gizmo's - This application let's them experiment with different variables to produce an end result. This Gizmo was called Growing Plants.

This is the top of our Terr-Aqua column. We have 2 goldfish and 2 water plants. Last year we used sand, but this year the guy at the pet store said these "goldfish" rocks would be a better bottom for our tank.

Friday's is laptop day in room 138. Each student was able to work on several applications throughout the day! This table was working on a growing plants Gizmo.

Our word wall is on our windows! We are limited with wall space so we have found this section works great! We have been busy adding words that we need to know.

We also planted our bean seeds for some plant observation. We carefully wrote down the materials used, and we will actually keep an observation log of the growth. We are actually looking for phototropism.

Tionna was a great Scientist Friday as we built the top layer of our Terr-Aqua Column.

HOO-RAY for the Wolfpack! #3 belongs to us- Jasper had a great game. They had their first game of the season Friday night against Raines. While they didn't win, it was still a great game! It rained until 7 minutes left in the 4th! We were soaking wet, but we sure did had a great time! W.....O.....L....FSON!!!! That has been there standard cheer for at least the last 20 years that I know about!
This is going to be another great week! Monday we will split and send the girls to Music and the boys to Art, and then Wednesday we will have PE with both Coaches.
Also, don't forget the $5.00 for PTA :-)
Have a good evening- see you in the am!
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