If today was any indication of the next 179 days then WHAT a year Room 138 will have! It was a perfect day- we were able to get through everything we planned, and had an opportunity to work in groups! Before we noticed it was time for lunch, and then BAM- it was 2:40! I could not believe how fast the day went by. We have so much to cover this year, I am afraid that every day may go just as fast.
Students filled out their planners for the month of September (the monthly calendar). Open House and some other dates were filled in. We will do this each month to help you plan on attending our school events.
Tonight students brought home forms that needed to be signed and returned. Students returning all forms will receive a small treat from us. We took the time to go through the packet today and pull out the forms that are necessary. Your help in this is greatly appreciated.
Math Facts sheet came home tonight. This is to help your child learn those last facts they may be lacking. We are starting with division this year, and many students do not know their multiplication facts. We have told the students that memorizing these facts will make all the difference when we are in the middle of this unit :-)
We were so excited to see Emory today as he stopped in before he made his way over to duPont this year! It has been fun to hear all the stories from our old 5th graders! Each one of them had great days, they felt prepared, and they new "lots" of people! HOO-RAY for duPONT 6th graders!
If you haven't already, please join PTA- We would like to support them by showing 100% membership this year.
Please check the BLOG sides, as they will contain important news and events in our classroom.
Have a great MONDAY evening with your family!
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