Enjoy this day with your families, and know that we will be thinking of each and everyone of you and how proud we are to be your teachers!
Just a few pictures from TN! The weather is great up here- high 50's during the day, and at night in the 20's!
Macey, Briley and my nephew playing King of the Hill!
Can you day ladybugs? They are everywhere! It was so neat to watch them swarm to different people!
This is what you drive into, some of the only "flat" land around the place!
Just another view of the woods! It's like this all over the property, except in the front which is flat, and a hay field!
This is my dad cutting low limbs off trees- they are in the process of clearing all the underbrush off the property!
These are called "Monkey Brains" by the locals, not sure of the real name, they feel like an orange, but the kids (and adults) up here (TN) love to throw them at trees and try to bust them open! They are everywhere in the woods! It was a lot of fun to try and hit targets, Mrs. Rowan never busted one!
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