At your service!
What an exciting day today! Each student practiced their speech! They were so awesome! You will be so proud of them tomorrow!
We will also be filming comercials for our school off tomorrow nights opening of our museum. The students are so excited.
Be sure to thank Avia West, our VP for bringing this great event to our school. We knew it would be fun, but this has turned out to be a great BLAST!
What are your plans for Thanksgiving? Mrs. Rowan will BLOG her travels to the great state of TN and new property that they will live on one day! Who knows, we may even run into some famous people! Franklin is a small town, just south of Nashville.
In the meantime, we are waiting to hear the winners of our Holiday Story.
In Science, we will work with the water cycle this week. If you get a chance, try and catch part of the TODAY show as Ann, Matt, Al, and Meredith are all in different places talking about what else.... other than WATER! It is awesome and the pictures are incredible!
Mrs. Beaver's class is getting excited about seeing the "big kids" at the Live Museum on Thursday! Good Luck!
So interest blog
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