We hope that you all have recovered from your YUMMY Thanksgiving Day feast! It has been a great holiday for us and we have enjoyed spending time with family and friends. Mr. Rowan was certainly excited that Alabama won (sorry Mrs. Yadon!) and he can hardly wait until they play Florida next weekend (he might be a little sad then!)-
Anyway, the next 15 days will fly by. It always amazes me how busy we become in our classroom with regular and holiday activities. Monday we will distribute countries for Holidays Around the World- We will spend a lot of time this week and next week doing some great research on customs and traditions. The third week (15th) we will have our presentations. On the 12th (I believe) we will fry lattkes with our student from the Center. He will also teach us how to play dreidel. (That is a great game, and I hope you get the chocolate!)
On the 17th we will make gingerbread houses, and our class party will be on the 19th!
It will be over before you know! Plan on being there each day!
Can't wait to see you on Monday!
Howdy! Glad to See You Today!
Saturday, November 29, 2008
Thursday, November 27, 2008
Room 138 Wishes You a Very Happy Thanksgiving!
This is my all time favorite holiday! From the Macy's Day Parade, to all the friends, family, and food it is just a day that I treasure! There are so many things to be thankful for this year- we have healthy families and students, a great classroom filled with compassion and friendship, great parents and most of all GREAT Students!
Enjoy this day with your families, and know that we will be thinking of each and everyone of you and how proud we are to be your teachers!
Just a few pictures from TN! The weather is great up here- high 50's during the day, and at night in the 20's!
Macey, Briley and my nephew playing King of the Hill!
Enjoy this day with your families, and know that we will be thinking of each and everyone of you and how proud we are to be your teachers!
Just a few pictures from TN! The weather is great up here- high 50's during the day, and at night in the 20's!
Macey, Briley and my nephew playing King of the Hill!
Can you day ladybugs? They are everywhere! It was so neat to watch them swarm to different people!
This is what you drive into, some of the only "flat" land around the place!
Just another view of the woods! It's like this all over the property, except in the front which is flat, and a hay field!
This is my dad cutting low limbs off trees- they are in the process of clearing all the underbrush off the property!
These are called "Monkey Brains" by the locals, not sure of the real name, they feel like an orange, but the kids (and adults) up here (TN) love to throw them at trees and try to bust them open! They are everywhere in the woods! It was a lot of fun to try and hit targets, Mrs. Rowan never busted one!
Monday, November 24, 2008
Just playing around with the camera today! 

They are ready to start! This has been a great game for us!
Allison and Dante playing around on the court!
Taking a break from Battle Ball!
We had a great day today! We have almost whipped the room back in shape, and the librarians are working hard to shelve all the books!
Can't wait to see you tomorrow!
Live from the classroom.......
Boris thinks that he is handsome..... Correction, Boris says he is handsome!
Nahjani got hit during our battle ball this afternoon, he is o.k.!
Jordan says that we are having fun at recess!
Lakia says Mrs. Rowan ate Olive Garden Croutons today!
Jason says, he has to go!
Zelma says I want some croutons!
We are happy to be LIVE and in COLOR! Room 138 signing off!
Nahjani got hit during our battle ball this afternoon, he is o.k.!
Jordan says that we are having fun at recess!
Lakia says Mrs. Rowan ate Olive Garden Croutons today!
Jason says, he has to go!
Zelma says I want some croutons!
We are happy to be LIVE and in COLOR! Room 138 signing off!
Friday, November 21, 2008
What a Week.... We are exhausted!
Yeah.... Our computer center has finally arrived! We have 4 new Mac's for student use! The ports should be turned on Monday and we will be able to rock and roll! We are excited, and so are the kids! We will be finding all kinds of great activities for them to participate in. If you know any great websites, be sure to put them in! 
Other big news for Room 138- our shelves were installed Thursday! We received 3 sets!
Cinnamon and Alexandria were busy putting up books! Great job girls!
Zelma was working on non-fiction!
This week wore us out! We were tired today, and Mrs. Yadon had an allergy attack because of all the dust we stirred up with the movement of materials for shelves and computers! We stayed until almost 5:15 today cleaning up the room! Don't worry, we left the books for you!
We only have two days next week- Monday and Tuesday. If you would like to send in a snack on Tuesday, that would be fine. I know we have real hot chocolate coming, and possibly some banana bread.
Another BIG CONGRATULATIONS to our students and families for your participation in the museum. Tuesday night was great times and we look forward to sharing more "Student" centered parent nights in the future!
Have a great weekend!
Thursday, November 20, 2008
What Do All Great Teachers do......
You Were Rockin' the House!
Tuesday, November 18, 2008
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