We were lucky to be asked to participate in the Southside Business Men's Youth Achiever Program (YAP) this year again! For our efforts out patrols were treated to a lunch of chicken fingers and french fries! They even had ice cream and brownies for dessert! Tonight both groups will work in conjunction to bring us the Chicken Dinners for our FREE family fun night!

We have also been very busy with Math Investigations! Our Patterns of Change Unit allows the students to work with patterns. Some of them created quite the challenging pattern! Here are some of us presenting our patterns to the class.

Not only did you have to draw the pattern, you then had to show us (via the table) the formula with the table!

We also agreed on a new seating arrangement! We still have a lot of noise, but HEY, who has a quiet classroom anymore?

We love the Leap Frog Station! It has been popular as a center this year. Thanks Mrs. Plish for letting us use your books! We will be looking for replacements this summer!

And another thing we have really enjoyed this year is the newspaper! I hope you can talk your parents into getting a subscription at home!

Tyree is busy working on a leveled reader in Science! We are still working to increase our reading and comprehension skills!

Emily and Allison have set-up a worm experiment! It has been interesting to say the least! We had a few that escaped (and it was a terrible death for those worms!)

Today we realized we have 29 days left of meaningful instruction! It has been busy in here! We are wrapping up many things, and getting ready to start our International Vacation Project! Teams were set-up and countries will be picked today. Make sure you leave May 22nd open and join us for our International Vacation Pot Luck!