Welcome to Mandarin High!!

Howdy! Glad to See You Today!

Tuesday, September 9, 2008

We really WORKED hard today ....

Cinnamon and her table work hard to discover the true secrets of condensation. Crystal is really thinking about the possibility of water in the air.
Ayanna's table is writing their thoughts down, so they can produce the correct answer.

Eduardo is leading his table to find the true meaning behind condensation.

Stewie and Jason are quick to write their answers.

These little bubbles of water have really caused us to discuss condensation. I mean we all know what it is (on the surface) but not one student could clearly describe its origin-- This led to a detailed scientific inquiry---
Dante, Boris, and Morgan using their pencils to secure their ideas.

Day 2 - We are getting to the bottom of this!

In the morning we will weigh again when our Blue Ice is not frozen. This may provide clues....
Stay tuned .......


Anonymous said...

asome blog!!!I found it.

Anonymous said...

I like theblogspot becauseit is smart

Anonymous said...

awwwwwwww!! we look so cute and this is a awesome blog for us hope more people see it and we really know how to work our butts off !!

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

My class is soooooooooooooooooooooo
smart! We are the best 5th grade class. We are all working hard to meet high expectations our teachers have set for us. Mrs. Yadon can type much faster than me!!!

Anonymous said...

HI people of the classroom

Anonymous said...

This is so cooooll. None of my teachers did this.

Anonymous said...

Awsome blog I found it cool picks of us you did a grate web site you did a grate job

Anonymous said...

Mrs.Y and Mrs.R's class

Anonymous said...

My class is sooooo coooooolll

Anonymous said...

this is so cool