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Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Terrific Tuesdays!

It was a busy day today! This is our resource day and the students have Art or Music for the first hour of school. When they returned we worked on our math quiz, and then started our DRA's. We are almost finished with those.
Social Studies was quite exciting today as our groups met and started researching their projects. They loved using the encyclopedias and other reference material.
Science was also squeezed in - we made paper! That was a process, so be sure to ask your student how that worked.

Zelma, Cinnamon, Klaudia, Lauren, and Crystal working out some math problems.
Alexandria, Lauren, and Crystal work on morning Math!

Brittney joined our class today, and was glad to see she already knew one of our students! (Sorry, no pics yet!)

Progress Reports came home today- please sign and return within 3 days. Students also are bringing home a math quiz for a redo- Please ask your student to explain the problems they missed. We will be spending a few more days covering remainders, towers, and clusters.

We are really getting into the swing of things, and it seems time is just rushing by! Between Art, Music, PE, and Early Release the days just pass so quickly.

The Fall Fundraiser will come home Thursday- If you prefer, you can just make a donation to the PTA-

Remember WEDNESDAY is Early Release!

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