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Thursday, June 7, 2012

You Made It

Congratulations STAR Students! You finished a year!

Take some time this summer and reflect on what you learned- remember you are responsible for everything you get out of your education!

I'm am proud of the things that you accomplished this year. Remember your CHARACTER drives a lot of people's perception of you - RIGHT, WRONG, or INDIFFERENT!

I know each of you have the ability to make the right choices- often those are not the MOST FUN, or the MOST POPULAR, but they are the RIGHT thing to do!

I hope to hear GREAT things about you in Middle and High School! I BELIEVE in all your POTENTIAL and I know that even when it seems no one cares ABOUT YOU.... We in ROOM 45 will always CARE about the choices YOU Make!!!

Have a great summer- visit the PUBLIC LIBRARY- I may see you there!

I will certainly bump into those of you that go to duPont, or attend the Wolfson games!!!

I LOVE each one of you! Thank you for challenging me to grow as an educator!!!

Much Love,
Mrs. Rowan

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