I came home from the IMAX the other night to find this fire truck and a lot of water all over our neighborhood! I first thought.... oh no.... I hope there was not a fire! And luckily that was the case, the fire truck was just driving around to all the fire hydrants checking the pressure of the water! Too bad they didn't ask us if we wanted our yards watered!

Well, do you miss us yet? We miss you, but are enjoying the time off to recharge for next year! Mrs. Yadon is in the middle of a huge major kitchen renovation (she is eating out a lot!) and Mrs. Rowan has just started Vacation Bible School (VBS) where she ran into Daniel and Calvin this morning! She always see Daniel, but she was glad to see Calvin!
Then, Mrs. Yadon, Mrs. Rowan, Mr. Sofferin, and Mrs. Hartless drove out to our school warehouse to try and find tables for next year. We didn't have a lot of luck, but we did enjoy seeing each other. You should see the great job Mr. Sofferin did with the concession stand! It looks really good!
Drop us a line and let us know what you are up to!
I'll try to post some more pictures later! Enjoy your summer and remember to STAY SAFE around WATER!!!!
hey mrs.rowan and mrs.yadon
i am having the time of mii life this summer because im gtting ready to go to se world for the first time in my life
i miss u guys too!!
i've alway been seeing lakia and brittney alot
well see u guys next year when i come to visit bye
hello,MRs.rowan andMRS.yadon,
I miss you guys a lot. Well most of all i am enjoying my summer. I am getting ready to off to New Jersey. I might just run into Tyree. -jasmine
hi it alex i miss everone !!! :( i loved shcool! i live around and walk to it ever day and it makes me sad (sob sob)
hi it alex i miss everone !!! :( i loved shcool! i live around and walk to it ever day and it makes me sad (sob sob)
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