Doritos, now that is a snack any student would love!
Popcorn is another great snack, not to mention it makes the room smell GREAT!
Yogurt is a great snack option!
The walk that started it all!
This is a great ecosystem for us to study.. it changes and we like to observe these changes!
Nothing like a crisp cool day to observe the neighborhood around us!
Jason is busy writing all the living and non-living things he sees on our walk.
Jordan is busy filling out his living and non-living chart.
Is that lichen on that tree?
This was the best living thing we saw on our walk! They actually removed themselves from the water to come and visit with us!
We found a family of ducks and I do believe that they were as happy to see us, as we were to see them! They followed us all the way down the fence!
We made it back - Safe and Sound and had very long lists of living and non-living things that we found in our walk!
******* School Supplies ********
It is also time that school supplies are updated. Today marks 90 days of school for us - halfway to being a MSS (Middle School Student)- Students needs paper, pencils, glue sticks, and markers. The supplies that Mrs. Rowan and Mrs. Yadon provided at the beginning of the year have finally all been used!
We could also use some Puffs Tissue, Bounty paper towels, and sandwich size zip lock bags (for our way cool science experiments!)
Finally -- get ready to think about a food item that you can bring in for our 100 Day Celebration. Yes, if everyone brings 100 items we will have a record 3,400 items on the 100th day of school..... So let's think... you could bring carrots, celery, peanuts, orange slices, apple slices, M&M's, lifesavers, bagel bites... I mean really folks, the list is ENDLESS! Have fun!
The nature walk was so awesome especially when we saw the ducks. BUT WHOEVER STEPPED ON MY SHOES YOU ARE VERY IRRITATING!!!! IT HAPPENED A MILLION TIMES!!!! it was fun. (the walk)
I love the song on this blog
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