Alexandria working hard to solve her clustering problems!
Cinnamon is also working hard! This table is awesome!
Go Lauren! A confident mathematician!

Two more math wizards, Mario and Samuel! (Notice the face resting on the hand? Common theme in many of our pictures!)
Two more math wizards, Mario and Samuel! (Notice the face resting on the hand? Common theme in many of our pictures!)
Another day has come and gone. Can you believe we only have 12 days left in the first 9 weeks? It seems we have been together forever! As the end of the grading period comes to a close, so does our close relationship with clustering (Pull out the Puffs, I know you are sad!) We will take our formative on Monday, and then move into Fractions, Decimals, and Percents!
We have started our new unit in Social Studies and are learning how ships and technology really helped start the Renaissance period in Europe. We are up to about 1450- along way to go to get to current events!
I briefly mentioned yesterday that we were starting our energy unit in Science. But first, our students will complete their performance task on layering substances (density). These tasks should turn out really neat! We will post pictures when complete.
In Reading this week we are covering Tall Tales. After this week, we will spend about 2 weeks on each story. This new series just has so much to offer.
You should have received information about the Live Wax Museum. We will have a family dinner and show on November 18th. We will try to eat around 6:15 and then move into the student presentations right after that. We will be taking donations of bagged salad, drinks, bread, and desserts. Mrs. Rowan and Mrs. Yadon will handle the main dish.
Parent volunteers needed October 23rd- We will celebrate the end of the nine weeks with a luncheon and make our class t-shirts. More information to come!
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