Daniel and his dad host a table full of boys! As always, thanks Mr. Fleming!
Howdy! Glad to See You Today!
Friday, October 31, 2008
A Walk to Remember!
We are off! We were so excited today! It was all we could do to get our Math lesson finished. We were even more excited by the fire drill first thing!
We were making our way down Baymeadows Road.... in GOOD time! All that physical activity at recess helped!
Great view off the bridge! We looked for manatees, but unfortunately there were none in the creek today! We did see a duck or two! And this did fit in with our book of the month!
We see it in the distance...........
We made it! Mr. Weber joined us on our walk and had lunch with the girls! Thanks Mr. Weber.

Daniel and his dad host a table full of boys! As always, thanks Mr. Fleming!
Samuel and his dad enjoy the view! Thanks Mr. Lee!
Daniel and his dad host a table full of boys! As always, thanks Mr. Fleming!
Clyde and his "innards" came to visit!
Help! We are being flooded with comments!
Yes, we showed our students how to comment! Was that a trick or a treat????????
We Made it To and From Pizza Palace!
Check in later for pictures! Thanks to all of our parents who went with us or joined us there!
A Very Spooky Birthday Shout-Out
To Mrs. Rowan's oldest brother in Nashville (Just in case they are reading today!)
Thursday, October 30, 2008
Elections and Fractions!
Oh those fractions can be tricky, but with the use of fraction strips and fraction bars we are rocking in Room 138! We did so good today, even the students were making problems for us to solve!
Students had to fold their fraction bars into halves, thirds, fourths, fifths, and sixths! It took them a quick minute to figure it out. One thing we can say about our class is they are persistent and great team workers!
Everyone enjoyed figuring out the folding....
I am not sure if this voter box has been certified by the election office, but if anything "fishy" occurs we can always demand a recount!
Britney and Tony explain the voting process to Beauclerc students.
Making the ever important decision, who did they select? We will not know the outcome until Tuesday.
Two more voters cast their ballots!
It was a busy day at Beauclerc today! We are all so very excited about our walk to Pizza Palace tomorrow! Parents, we have coupons for you tomorrow (Thanks Pizza Palace!) I think they are just as excited to have us coming as we are to be going!
Halloween Safety- Remember to stay with an adult, carry a flashlight, and STAY OUT of the road! You have 3/4 of the year to finish! Any extra candy can gladly be deposited into Room 138.
If anyone is available to volunteer Monday or Tuesday to help with our new SUPER-DUPER bulletin board we would greatly appreciate it!
Room 138 - Made Their Reading Goal!
Thank you Ms Wood for posing with us today! We were excited to participate in the Reading Celebration. A big thank you to our parents who have also inspired their students to read. All those trips to the Public Library are APPRECIATED!
Mrs. Hartnett did a great job bringing us another fantastic author! Students may purchase her books until next Monday. Forms were sent home yesterday.
Ms. Wood really knew how to hold our attention. She gave us great facts about Northeast Florida. We now have some really great places to visit on the weekend, and who knows maybe we will see some ghosts OR FIND some LOST treasure!
Remember tomorrow is our 1st Nine Weeks Celebration (not to mention Mrs. Rowan's older brother's birthday! Yes, he is the Great Pumpkin Charlie Brown!) We will be walking to Pizza Palace for lunch, so make sure you dress appropriately. This will be an awesome time!
Tuesday, October 28, 2008
Happy Tuesday!
Yesterday we had fun working through an election section of the newspaper. Students worked in groups and then presented their page to the class. The school will hold a vote (school wide election) on Thursday, and the winner will be announced Tuesday.
We are really getting into fractions in Math. Ask your child to show you how they can describe fractions on a clock face! Tomorrow they will play "Rock Around the Clock" which is a game that lets them practice adding fractions!
Tony getting some GOOD news.... It was so good, he didn't make it to school today :-( We hope he is o.k.
Yesterday in the lifestyles section of the newspaper they had cut-out dolls for the candidates, and cut-out costumes! Students had a great time with this, we posted some on our board in the main hallway.
In Science we finished up sound energy, and now will focus on potential and kinetic.
Remember - Friday is our walk to Pizza Palace, and we would love to have you join us! We should get there about 11:00 if you want to meet us there, but you can always walk with us. We plan to leave school around 10:30ish.
Ask your student how their holiday story is going. These will be due in a few weeks!
We will be working more intently on our wax museum projects! You can assist your student with costumes, and their button. Today we talked about using those small round "press-on" lights that you can find at the dollar store.
We are off to a ROCKING second nine weeks! Report cards will come home on 11/14.
Saturday, October 25, 2008
What is a Teacher Planning (WORK) Day?
The newest member of our class!
We have straightened as much as possible- See if you notice any changes on Monday!
Let's see if we can keep all the black smudge off!
Notice the pink marker?
Yes we were busy in our little conference room!
Now Mrs. Plish has plenty of space for Buggie! (Not to mention a place to plan, eat lunch, and just RELAX!)
You will not even recognize Mrs. Plish's new CLEAN room! We worked hard on the planning day to finally give her some much needed space!
I love to see the Blue Angels fly like this! Especially when they start to split apart and then reform!
What a great group of pilots, and an honor for our country!
Did any of you get to go to NAS today to see the show? It's FREE!
If not, they fly again on Sunday!
We sure had a great time with you on Thursday! You can start on Thank You cards for the following: PTA (pizza, drinks, carrots/dip), Mrs. Parker (help and brownies), and Mrs. Hagan (tie dye). There may be more but that was my list as of 5:42 today ;-)
Enjoy the rest of your weekend. The second 9 weeks start Monday!
Thursday, October 23, 2008
Celebrate:Tie-Dye Shirts and Pizza from PTA
We celebrated the last day of the first nine-weeks today with our 100% Membership pizza party from PTA. They gave us drinks and carrots and dip too. THANK YOU PTA. We also created our class shirts with blue and red dye, rubberbands and marbles. Wait until you see them! Students need to wear their shirts next Friday for our hike to Pizza Palace. We will be styling! We will wear these shirts for various occasions throughout the year like field trips, play day, spirit days, etc. Don't lose them.
Wednesday, October 22, 2008
That 'Wretched Stone' is really a TV
Tuesday, October 21, 2008
Flash Lights, Colored Lights, and Rocks!
Students learned today how to make rainbows. From this experiment, they now know why rainbows appear at certain times and not others!
Single sheet of white paper.
White poster board.
Our best yet!
Our next big narrative project will be the Holiday Story for the Florida Times Union. The guidelines this year are quite interesting, and students should have lots to think about!
Seven and Nahjani finishing up their "Rock Stories". Seven has jumped right into the narrative process.
Today in Writer's Workshop we were working hard to finish up our "Magic Rock" stories.
Klaudia, Angel, and Allison work to get their stories published.
Our next big narrative project will be the Holiday Story for the Florida Times Union. The guidelines this year are quite interesting, and students should have lots to think about!
Math Wizards are at work in Room 138. For the last two days we have played the In-Between game and it has been great to see students' confidence levels when working with fractions!
We have also finished Chapter 4 in our Social Studies book and will now be moving into New Colony Settlement! Students will also start their report writing for the "Live Wax Museum".
Remember, NO SCHOOL FRIDAY, and Thursday we will make class shirts and have our 100% Pizza Membership Party!
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