In other exciting news.. our Social Studies Projects look great! Students are being working hard to create realistic dioramas for their region. The student reports look just as good- so we are glad to see that they have some basic research skills. Our next big Social Studies Project is a Living Museum that we will be creating. Students may pick any famous person and research interesting facts. Then we will take that information and display it on a 3 panel backboard. Students will deliver a "live" 1 minute speech about their person to other students in our school. We are very excited and will begin sharing with students as we wrap up the dioramas. If you have time stop in Friday to see the "Handy Work"
*** Parent Help Needed *** If you have some time, we need parent volunteers on October 23, 2008 as we end the 1st nine weeks. We have some great things planned, so let us know if you have some time that day.
The new reading series is great. The stories are very interesting and spark high reader engagement. We are going to start taking two weeks for each story as there is so much to cover, and we want the students to go deeper! So, we will alternate Spelling and Vocabulary Homework for our stories.
Math - Can you say Cluster!! We are finishing up Building on Numbers You Know and will be entering into Name that Portion. (More to come.....)
If you can come out Thursday, we will have our Parent Reading Night- It starts at 6:30- It should be a night of Reading Information.
Students received their first paycheck today, and will be meeting with their "personal" bankers tomorrow. Be sure to ask your student about their check, fines, and bonus money! Our auction will be held Thursday. We are looking forward to that! Many students received new jobs today as well, and some (Lakia, Alexandria, and Lauren) even got another raise! WOO-HOO
It is hard to believe October is here! Oct. 8th and 22nd will be early realease days, and Oct. 24th is the NEW Teacher Planning Day.
Happy Fall!