Yes, I am so happy to be lounging around the pool! Summer is officially here, because even the water is a little "warm!"
It is hard to believe that summer will start in a mere 8 1/2 days... Our little 5th graders will move on to the big middle schools and end their elementary careers. We have a lot packed into these last 2 weeks of school. Make sure you are here everyday. This week we are rehearsing American Grandstand Tuesday and Wednesday. We will be performing for the school on Thursday, and for parents Thursday night. Of course, parents can attend the school shows as well.
Then next week is CRAZY busy for us! We finish up Jr. Achievement, have our Awards and Picnic, travel to Animal Kingdom and have our farewell breakfast. Even if you don't stay the entire day, you will want to stop by and have breakfast with us!If you have not purchased your yearbook you can do so Wednesday, Thursday, or Friday morning. There are only about 100 left, and I would hate for you to miss out!
This has been a great year! We have learned a lot together and have had a good time in Room 138. I am sad to see yet another group of students leave, but Mrs. Yadon and I are oh so proud of you! You are smarter than a 5th grader for sure!!
So while many of you are counting down these last days... I have started gearing up for summer... Let's just say it is jam packed with lots of fun filled days.

What are your summer plans? Make sure you send pictures... and don't forget about us next year. It is so much fun to see our old students stop in and comment!