There must be some learning in the ATMOSPHERE!!!

Working in groups to perfect our mad skills in Reading!

Getting busy in Center time!!

We love Social Studies!!

Leroy and Joe reading their parts in a Social Studies play.

Even though it is cold, we are still making it outside! These pull-up bars are a favorite of ours!!

These plants actually sprouted in bags with wet paper towels from beans in a bag of 15 bean soup! Amazing!!!

This is our new class pets.. There are fish in the bottom and plants on the top. We are excited to see how an ecosystem changes over time, and how the water cycle works. The plants on the top are from a previous experiment.
Our surprise visitor must of had their pictures deleted accidentally.. I can't seem to find them. However, David, brought in the cutest newborn baby squirrel that he is nursing as an infant. It was so sweet!!! It was on a two hour feeding schedule! He was so cute though!! Thanks David!
We have been rockin and rollin this week! It has been a fantastic first week back!!!!
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