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Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Spelling Bee Winner and Class Party!

Congratulations to Andrew So! He spelled the word brigadier correctly to become our 5th Grade Spelling Bee Winner! Just a side note, we went 20 rounds and through 125 words. Be sure to ask your students about some of the words! They were really hard this year!

Yesterday, our class had a great time making gingerbread houses! Mrs. Rowan was out, but Mrs. Yadon and Mrs. Goodfarb said it was a great time in the cafeteria! There was lots of candy to be had by all!!!!

Tomorrow is a big day! First, it is pajama day! That in itself is pretty exciting! Then, at 12:00 we will have our class party! Be sure to bring in your food item and $2.00 for pizza. We will also play a few games, and finish watching The Sound of Music.

Over the break, we hope that you have time to relax and enjoy your family! We have many fun activities planned for 2010!

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