Thank YOU PTA! Thank You Parents!
Our lunch was FANTASTIC!!!
November 1st is already here, as hard as that is to believe! We have a lot packed into our schedule between now and the Winter break. November is relatively short considering every Wednesday we have something going on! 11/4 - Early Release, 11/11 - Veteran's Day - No School, 11/18 - Early Release, 11/25 - Weather Day - No School, and then 11/26 -11/27 - Thanksgiving Holidays! Before you know December will be here!
This year, we are releasing for Winter Break on 12/16 which will be a Pajama Day sponsored by Student Council. So... start looking now for some PJ's that you can wear to school.
4th and 5th graders are very busy working on Nutcracker.... There will be two evening performances (12/8 & 12/10), and one school performance (12/11). The Nutcracker chorus is also busy rehearsing, so it is quite festive!
Please be sure to check your students' planners. Students should have homework and daily reading logged in their planners. In addition, parents should sign each night. If you see a blank planner, then your student did not follow directions!!!
The second nine weeks started 10/27. All students have the opportunity to be successful in Room 138. Completing homework is one way students can raise their class averages. Working with Spelling and Vocabulary words all week has tremendous value.
Reports will come home Tuesday, November 3rd. If you would like to schedule a conference, please just indicate that on the report card and we will work to schedule them in the the next two weeks!
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