We are working on WAY COOL Social Studies projects. Be sure to ask your student what Native American tribes they chose.
We have been so busy, it has been hard to Blog... But, alas... we have a moment to spare so we will try and catch you up on all the latest in Room 138!
The County Benchmark Math and Science tests are complete! We should have results back in a few weeks. These help us see where students are, and where their needs our. We are still waiting to participate in FAIR testing which is now a mandated State requirement.
Thursday is our first field trip. We will be traveling to the Marine Science Center. This is a very important field trip and one that every 5th grader in the county gets to attend. It is very important that you are on time! The bus leaves Beauclerc at 8:30. We cannot wait for late arrivals on Thursday. Be sure to bring a lunch and a drink because we will eat outside at the picnic area. After lunch we will head over to Hanna Park and look for shells and shark's teeth.
We also have Nutcracker auditions coming up. I will post more on that after our Grade Level Meeting in the morning. All speaking parts our auditioned, but anyone can join the fun in the dances!
We now have 7 computers in our room, and have a computer schedule in place so that all students have assigned computer time. If you are at home remember you can go on eduplace.com to help with spelling and vocabulary words. Students also are aware of some great Math locations as well.
*A note of reminder regarding Student Planners. It is the expectation of our Principal, as well as us, that planners are signed nightly.
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