Welcome to Mandarin High!!

Howdy! Glad to See You Today!

Sunday, September 27, 2009

Paging Week 6!

Our trip to the MSC was great fun! We spent the morning in labs, and then the afternoon at the beach! The weather was great and we were able to collect shells, and no-one got wet! All that was a plus. Now, we will take some of the knowledge we gained from there and bring it back to our classroom and apply it to our lessons at school.
This little sea horse provided lots of entertainment for us! He was very active! The Wet Lab was great this year. They even had an octopus (although she hid the entire time we were there!)
We had a great time in Room 8! That is the best of the best!

We really enjoyed going in all the hands-on-rooms at the Marine Science Center.

Here is a picture of the groves at Hanna Park. We had so much fun at the beach! It was really hot though!
Peaceful Sea Oats... they are a life saver for our beaches.

We love our t-shirts!
Wow... really this took a long time!

Mahnoor started her broadcast career a little early. She is doing a SUPER job!

Believe me when we tell you Friday was a LONG day! But, alas, we DID complete ALL of our FAIR testing (which is State mandated!). We originally planned to test students over the next week, but it just worked out that Friday worked for us!

At the end of the day... we were ready to go home!
Hold on Janaisha... it is almost over. It was very hard to stay in our seats all day while our classmates were testing. That might be a first for Room 138!
This was a great weekend! Both Alabama and the Jags won! Hooray for them! This week should be a "normal" week if those are a real thing! It is hard to believe that October will be here Wednesday. Progress reports were sent home Friday. They need to be signed and returned Monday, Wednesday at the latest. We still have plenty of time to bring up any grades you may be concerned about. Auditions for Nutcracker speaking parts will be held on Wednesday and Thursday. Dance posters will be up soon so be sure and sign-up for something.
This week we will start the research for our Wax Museum. At home, you can help your student with assembling their costume.
Remember to send in your reservation form for our FREE Italian Night before your Live Museum presentations.

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Happenings the 5th week of school.....

The Book Fair came and went, and out of that we were able to get all the Sunshine State Books except ONE!! Thank you so much if you donated to our classroom! By working the night of Read and Feed we were able to earn "Book Bucks" for our classroom and picked up the rest. Woo-Hoo we have been reading like crazy! There are some really good stories this year. Right now in class we are reading Defiance.

Enjoying some IR time!

We are working on WAY COOL Social Studies projects. Be sure to ask your student what Native American tribes they chose.

We have been so busy, it has been hard to Blog... But, alas... we have a moment to spare so we will try and catch you up on all the latest in Room 138!

The County Benchmark Math and Science tests are complete! We should have results back in a few weeks. These help us see where students are, and where their needs our. We are still waiting to participate in FAIR testing which is now a mandated State requirement.

Thursday is our first field trip. We will be traveling to the Marine Science Center. This is a very important field trip and one that every 5th grader in the county gets to attend. It is very important that you are on time! The bus leaves Beauclerc at 8:30. We cannot wait for late arrivals on Thursday. Be sure to bring a lunch and a drink because we will eat outside at the picnic area. After lunch we will head over to Hanna Park and look for shells and shark's teeth.
We also have Nutcracker auditions coming up. I will post more on that after our Grade Level Meeting in the morning. All speaking parts our auditioned, but anyone can join the fun in the dances!
We now have 7 computers in our room, and have a computer schedule in place so that all students have assigned computer time. If you are at home remember you can go on eduplace.com to help with spelling and vocabulary words. Students also are aware of some great Math locations as well.
*A note of reminder regarding Student Planners. It is the expectation of our Principal, as well as us, that planners are signed nightly.

Monday, September 21, 2009

Finally, We All Have Round Tables--Week 5

We kicked off our fifth week of school today. Can you believe it? We have a whirlwind schedule this week--today we finally procured 4 more round tables, took the Math Benchmark and Tie-Dyed shirts. Wednesday is PE and Early Release. Then Thursday we spend the day at the Marine Science Center. This is an awesome experience for students and teachers! Remember to wear your new Class Tshirt and to bring a bag Lunch and a drink. Have you decorated your jug yet? PARENT ALERT----Mid term Progress Reports will be sent home on Friday. This grading period ends on October 23, so students have 4 1/2 weeks to take care of any deficiencies.

What's Blue and White and Can Be Found on Trees?

Well, as you can see it's Tie-Dye shirts. Room 138 created our unique class shirts today after lunch. We will look like a cohesive group when we go on field trips (like Thursday) but we have retained our individuality!

Friday, September 18, 2009

Marine Science Center Field Trip

Room 138 will be traveling to the Marine Science Center next Thursday. This is an all day field trip. We will spend time in hands-on labs in the morning and visit the beach in the afternoon.

Students will need to bring a decorated jug to collect shells, lunch, and a drink.

Students may also bring money to purchase shirts and jewelery from the MSC.

We will leave the school at 8:30 and return at 2:30.

This is a great trip for us!

Sunday, September 13, 2009

And so we close week 3, and look on to week 4!

Get Ready, Get Set, Get Fit.... last week we had our first Reading Celebration to kick-off our theme for the year. It was great fun! The Patrols did a great job with the flag raising, and our PE coaches had us out on the field warming up and showing us some great exercises to help us stay fit.
We have finally developed an afternoon schedule for our computers! YEAH!!!! They are a very big hit this year.... something call Poptropica??? Good behavior, homework completed, and no marks in the cafeteria = computer time every time!
The annual Beauclerc Read and Feed is this Tuesday. The dinner deadline was Friday, but you can still come out and shop for books. This year the books are running between $3.99 and up. We have most of the Sunshine State books so we are very happy about that!
Some students have already started buying. Our buying days will continue through this Thursday.
The weeks are flying by already. As we begin week 4 we feel confident that are routines and rituals have been established. We will begin another story this week so be on the look-out for new spelling and vocabulary words. Monday we will take a Science test, and then begin our next unit. In Math we begin Building on Numbers You Know this week. This is a great unit that helps children understand the relationships between numbers.

Tuesday, September 8, 2009

How Much Air Fits in Room 138? We Know!

We are done measuring and estimating the volume of small paper boxes. We are ready to explore volume in the 'real world'. We still need to practice--did your child bring home a piece of string today? The volume of our room is approximately 297 cubic meters. Who knew?

Monday, September 7, 2009

If it keeps up.....

it will be the Thanksgiving holidays before you know it. These first few weeks of school has zoomed by. Let me start by saying that we have a really great class. The kids are all meshing so well, they are helpful to one another, have made friends, and work together in groups without all the drama that sometimes follows 5th graders! NOT HERE though! We are all working toward getting to know each other and using are names... There are 40 of us in Room 148, so it has taken awhile to get to know everybody!
We have spent some time in Science learning about density. This is one of my favorite experiments that we do. We think it is perfect because it allows the kids to work with different Science tools and record what they are doing. Plus the drawing and labeling is easy to do for this assignment!

Sabian is very intent on making sure that is "an exact measurement"! Good work Sabian.

This is what each group created!

Wow! Is that what you predicted?

One thing about Room 138.... WE HAVE NO SLACKERS!!! Everybody works!

Noor's group is starting to combine their liquids! They have finished the weighing! Pass the scales.

we have learned to use our scales to take exact measurements... which is what we know all great scientists do!

we are trying to determine how layers form in liquid substances.

we always wear safety goggles! ALWAYS.....
everyone gets a turn!

we first made a prediction as to how we thought the layers would end up... after the experiment we actually drew the correct picture and wrote about what happened and WHY it happened based on our scientific data....

We all did a great job writing the steps down, so we could write about the process using our notes!
We practiced drawing and labeling our results!

what is going on here???? How did Mrs. Yadon make that lime rise?
Quick... Mahnoor the Scientist to the rescue!
Mahnoor was our first lab coat assistant! She helped to determine the weight of water and salt water that made a difference with the lime!

These are the great flowers Mrs. Rowan won from Channel 4 from their Kudos from Kuhn segment. A parent (of a previous student) from Parkwood Heights nominated her! Mrs. Rowan was blown away by the size of the arrangement! Mr. Rowan had to come and pick them up!

It was great to see all of you at Open House! Remember to return those Marine Science field trip forms. This will be a great trip for us, and best of all it is FREE!!!!
We will not have spelling and vocabulary words this week. We will work on DRA's and read about natural disasters from our Newspaper in Education.