This little sea horse provided lots of entertainment for us! He was very active!
The Wet Lab was great this year. They even had an octopus (although she hid the entire time we were there!)
We had a great time in Room 8! That is the best of the best!
We really enjoyed going in all the hands-on-rooms at the Marine Science Center.
Here is a picture of the groves at Hanna Park. We had so much fun at the beach! It was really hot though!
Peaceful Sea Oats... they are a life saver for our beaches.
We love our t-shirts!
Wow... really this took a long time!

Believe me when we tell you Friday was a LONG day! But, alas, we DID complete ALL of our FAIR testing (which is State mandated!). We originally planned to test students over the next week, but it just worked out that Friday worked for us!
At the end of the day... we were ready to go home!
Hold on Janaisha... it is almost over. It was very hard to stay in our seats all day while our classmates were testing. That might be a first for Room 138!
This was a great weekend! Both Alabama and the Jags won! Hooray for them! This week should be a "normal" week if those are a real thing! It is hard to believe that October will be here Wednesday. Progress reports were sent home Friday. They need to be signed and returned Monday, Wednesday at the latest. We still have plenty of time to bring up any grades you may be concerned about. Auditions for Nutcracker speaking parts will be held on Wednesday and Thursday. Dance posters will be up soon so be sure and sign-up for something.
This week we will start the research for our Wax Museum. At home, you can help your student with assembling their costume.
This week we will start the research for our Wax Museum. At home, you can help your student with assembling their costume.
Remember to send in your reservation form for our FREE Italian Night before your Live Museum presentations.