Welcome to Mandarin High!!

Howdy! Glad to See You Today!

Monday, August 24, 2009

Work Together We DID!

And the line of cars just kept on coming! There were many car riders today because of the reduction of transportation (that was mandated) by the School Board. As the week progresses, we will see if we have more walkers. Our school is land locked, so please be patient!!!!
Calendar Math started today,- make sure you tell your parents this expectation! It is a very easy Math grade.
Did you know that tests in Room 138 are Open Book? Yes, and today we talked about what good readers do to become experts at taking these test. Just because you have the resource doesn't mean you will automatically be successful.

Working on "What does a scientist look like?"

This was a great activity. The kids actually graphed their answers. We had a lot of adult male mad scientists with glasses and wild hair!
What a great first day back! We accomplished so much today, and even managed to get in some homework. In fact, at dismissal we learned we were the only 5th grade class that assigned homework in multiple subjects! Students received their new spelling and vocab lists, we listened to our first story on tape, worked a little in Science and started a math unit! We have hit the ground running so to speak.
We know that drop-off and dismissal was a little (well a lot) crazy today. We hope as the week wears on that many students will start walking, and the car pool line will dwindle some. For students to be a car rider, they must be picked up in a car at a cone. If they are not a car rider (getting picked up at a cone) they will be released at 3:00. Please be patient as we are responsible for dismissing 1250 students each day. Safety FIRST!

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