It has been a busy first week of school. We are settling in and learning how to work in groups, handle science equipment, use manipulatives to solve math problems, and use the text books to find answers for our open book tests.
We did make our 100% PTA membership first! Mrs. Rowan collected a lot of donations over the summer to support our class. However, we still would like to have all of our parent join. It is $5.00 and if you have kids in more than one class it is still just $5.00 :-) It is a great organization that supports our school.
We are traveling to the Marine Science Center on Thursday, September 24. We can bring as many parents as we would like. There is no cost for this field trip, students just need to bring a bag lunch and a drink. The MSC also has chips, soda, shark's teeth, t-shirts and other items for purchase. We will pass out information at Open House this Thursday.