We have almost finished our first week of school! We have been busy learning our routines and rituals and have managed to work in ELA, Science, and Math every day!!!
A few classroom reminders:
* Planners come home daily with a conduct grade and any important notes that cannot wait for our Tuesday folder. Please sign your child's planner each night.
* Homework spirals stay in the yellow homework folder. Nightly word work (Spelling and Sight) will help our reading and writing tremendously. Next week we will begin sending home Fry Phrases. Please work with your student on these phrases.
* Math and Science will be sent home as needed. They will also be located in the Yellow Homework folder but will need to be returned the next day. ** I-Ready is not READY--- as soon as we receive information I will send home log-in information.
* Breakfast in the classroom is daily! This week students have enjoyed eating at our table and talking with their friends before our day begins. The weekly menu can be found here:
Breakfast in the Classroom Menu & Lunch Menu
* We eat lunch at 11:15.
* Mrs. Vega is with us until November. She is an intern and is in the final stages of earning her teaching certificate. She has been with us since Tuesday, and already jumping in to help!
* I will send home an Open House Date Monday. Room 111 WILL NOT have Open House next Thursday! Mrs. Rowan will be in Columbia, South Carolina cheering on her son in his first College GAME!!!
It has been a great week and we are looking forward to a super year!