Monday will be our 20th day of school! It's hard to believe that we have been in school for that many days. We have spent quite a bit of time reviewing our rituals and routines to help make us successful in school. We have been practicing our center rotations, and movements throughout the day. Monday we will start FULL speed at moving through our day using our CHAMPS system to help us out.
We will have 3 resources this week: Art Tuesday, Music Thursday, and PE Friday :)
A few reminders:
* Planners come home everyday with your student's color of the day. Please talk to them about their color. Blue, Purple and PINK are very exciting to them! Yellow, Orange and Red might be a great time to talk about making good choices and being responsible!
* Homework Folders are
YELLOW! They contain a spiral notebook and the monthly menu. We also send home Math for the week. Stapled to the spiral notebook you will find the weekly sheet. Remember that students may use 3-5 sheets a week to complete homework.
* Tuesday folders are
GREEN. Please remove and read any papers and return the folder and any necessary papers Wednesday.
*Lunch - Lunch is at 11:15. All school lunches are free this year. If you pack a lunch for your student please send a well rounded lunch of protein, carbs, and fruits and vegetables. A lunch full of sugar makes your student sleepy before school has ended.
* Phrase Rings - Each student receives new phrase cards each week. Please make sure your student is reading these to you during the week.
* Thursday Night, 9/18 is Pizza Night at Pizza Palace on Baymeadows Road. Come out and visit with your teachers and friends!
We are having a great time in ROOM 111. Thank you for sending your student to school ready to learn!