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Wednesday, October 15, 2008

No Pictures today... Can you believe it?

Students did great today taking their energy pre-test! After we finished the test they cut out pictures of all the different kinds of energy they could locate in the sale papers. We identified six types of energy. Ask your student if they can tell you the six types and then give you some examples of each. They quickly recognized that different things (light bulbs, candles, power tools, cars) could be in multiple categories.

We are still collecting Pringle cans. We will use these in the very near future!

The Math night is the 23rd if you are interested in participating.

Please make sure your student has lunch money, and let them know if they are able to buy snacks. This year the cafeteria is selling chips, drinks, and other items for $ .60 - $1.00. If students buy extra this may cut into their prepaid accounts. I believe that you can go on-line and adjust their account to not allow this option, or you can stop by the cafeteria.

The Spelling test is Friday, make sure students understand compound words and how they look (hyphen, two words, or one word).

***** There is school MONDAY, the planning day has been moved to FRIDAY. This was changed because of make-up hurricane days!

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